
Tell Biden: Defend Native Children and Sovereignty


Right now, conservative states and fossil fuel lawyers intend to dismantle Indigenous rights and sovereignty by overturning the Indian Child Welfare Act (ICWA) via a majority conservative Supreme Court. Please join us in asking President Biden to take immediate action — up to and including an Executive Order — protecting Native children and sovereignty. Federal agencies must allocate funding, dedicate human resources, and empower Native nations to create tribally-run child welfare programs and maintain our right to self-determination.

The current High Court has shown it will stop at nothing to destroy decades of civil rights advances. From women’s rights to Native sovereignty, it is dismantling much that progressives have fought long for and care most about. It’s clear we can no longer rely upon the Court to protect the liberty of the American people, much less uphold justice for tribal citizens. And until we can rely on Congress, our best remedy is the executive branch. Please send your email to President Biden today. Wopila!