
End Harmful Extraction

Mni Wiconi — water is life! Together, let’s remove pipelines like Dakota Access and Line 3 from the ground, and let's protect sacred lands and water everywhere from Big Extraction.

Protect the Black Hills From Mining

Uranium and gold mining are tearing up the sacred He Sapa — the Black Hills of South Dakota. Tell U.S. Secretary of the Interior Doug Burgum to suspend all mining claims in the Black Hills until treaty rights to ancestral homelands are respected and restored. Mni wiconi — water is life.


More You Can Do

Protect Thacker Pass!

DAPL Oversight Now!

Tell Biden: End DAPL!

Our Impact Together


Standing Rock Changed the World

Our team supported the movement to safeguard the sacred, providing logistics, media support, and legal expertise to water protectors.
Posted: February 16, 2017

Dakota Access pipeline continues America’s oldest narrative: Cowboys vs. Indians

The Hill: Op-ed by Chase Iron Eyes

On Dec. 3, 1875, the US Army ordered my Lakota ancestors back to the reservation, including Sitting Bull, Crazy Horse and others who were out hunting at the time. The full might of the US military would subdue all those who did not comply. More than 140 years later, the Army Corps of Engineers issued a similar directive, in effect right now.


sent emails to The ND Public Service Commission opposing DAPL expansion


Our Leadership at Standing Rock, December 2016

From left to right: Standing Rock Organizer Phyllis Young, Chief Counsel Daniel Sheehan, Lead Counsel Chase Iron Eyes, and Cheyenne River Organizer Madonna Thunder Hawk on the day the Obama administration denied DAPL.

emailed ND State's Attorney to demand he drop charges against all water protectors


Militarized Police at Standing Rock

We exposed collusion between the oil industry, the government, and militarized police activated to target Native leaders and quell the NoDAPL protests at Standing Rock.


Jan. 20, 2020 — After you put the pressure on, President Joe Biden keeps his campaign promise to revoke KXL's permit on his first day in office.

Greta and Tokata lead anti-KXL rally

Oct. 7, 2019, Rapid City, SD — After visiting Pine Ridge, Greta Thurnberg and Tokata Iron Eyes organize a rally in Rapid City to oppose KXL.

“Know that you have so many people beside you and standing behind you in this fight.”

Greta Thunberg speaking at Pine Ridge


sent emails to Montana Gov. Bullock telling him to shutter KXL construction and man camps


AOC joins tribes in opposing KXL

May 16, 2019, Washington, D.C. — LPLP and Oglala Sioux leaders meet with Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez about the power of protest and stopping KXL.

signed petitions to President Biden to stop Line 3