
Tell Biden: End DAPL!

Tell President Joe Biden to stop DAPL once and for all. Protect the planet and the Lakota people. No destruction of the earth. No endangering our water. Mni wiconi — water is life.

Dear President Biden,

Thank you, sincerely, for keeping your campaign promise to revoke the permit for the Keystone XL pipeline (KXL). You've taken a necessary step in stopping the desecration of sacred lands with unwanted, unneeded pipelines which endanger critical, life-giving water systems in Lakota Country.

But please don't stop there. It's also time to end the illegal Dakota Access pipeline (DAPL) once and for all.

DAPL poses a critical threat to Lake Oahe and the Missouri River, the primary source of fresh drinking water for the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe and millions of others. DAPL's oil continues to flow even as its environmental approval process has been ruled insufficient by a U.S. District Court.

Please continue to use the power of your office to work closely with Native American tribes and show that you take Indigenous concerns seriously. Appointing Deb Haaland as Secretary of the Interior was a perfect start, and canceling KXL was an excellent follow-up. Now, please listen to the leaders of tribal nations and to people the world over when we say: DAPL must be next. Respect our water and our lives.

It's time to replace outdated, dangerous fossil fuel infrastructure with renewable energy. You can build the world of tomorrow and a sustainable future for the generations to come.

With respect and in hope for a better future,

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