
Defending Indigenous Communities

We're helping educate about and collect funding for the original peoples whose homelands are occupied by national parks and monuments. Visiting the land? Give to the people!

Making a Difference


Victory for Native Children & Sovereignty in the Supreme Court!

Thanks in part to activists like you, the U.S. Supreme Court upheld the Indian Child Welfare Act (ICWA) in a 7-2 vote during its 2023 session. Thank you for helping to make a difference!

Standing Rock changed the world

Our team supported the movement to safeguard the sacred, providing logistics, media support, and legal expertise to water protectors.
Posted: February 16, 2017

Dakota Access pipeline continues America’s oldest narrative: Cowboys vs. Indians

The Hill: op-ed by Chase Iron Eyes

On Dec. 3, 1875, the US Army ordered my Lakota ancestors back to the reservation, including Sitting Bull, Crazy Horse and others who were out hunting at the time. The full might of the US military would subdue all those who did not comply. More than 140 years later, the Army Corps of Engineers issued a similar directive, in effect right now.


emailed ND State's Attorney to demand he drop charges against all water protectors


Standing Rock the Vote!

In 2018, we combated a new voter suppression law by busing Standing Rock tribal members to get IDs and get to the voting booth, more than doubling turnout from the prior mid-term election.
Posted: October 31, 2018

Thousands of Native voters in North Dakota getting free IDs

The Associated Press

We're at our best in crisis," said Phyllis Young, an organizer on the Standing Rock Sioux Reservation for the Lakota People's Law Project, adding that the issue "is only making us more aware of our rights, more energized, and more likely to vote this November."

in FEMA grants

secured for Oglala Nation flood relief


Recovering from 2019’s bomb cyclones

We helped the Oglala Nation secure a pair of FEMA grants to restore the Pine Ridge reservation after flooding from a pair of late winter storms devastated it in 2019.

Victory over KXL!

Jan. 20, 2020 — After you put the pressure on, President Joe Biden keeps his campaign promise to revoke KXL's permit on his first day in office.

A Big Win for Native Voting Rights in South Dakota

A federal judge in South Dakota ruled in our favor that the state repeatedly violated the National Voter Registration Act (NVRA). The judgment in this case, in which Lakota Law was a plaintiff, is a giant step forward in the battle to make sure Native voices are properly heard at the ballot box.

Know that you have so many people who are beside you and stand behind you in this fight.

Greta Thunberg speaking at the Pine Ridge Reservation


cared for in Lakota Law's Native-run kinship home on Standing Rock in 2020


Greta and Tokata lead anti-KXL rally

Oct. 7, 2019, Rapid City, SD — After visiting Pine Ridge, Greta Thurnberg and Tokata Iron Eyes organize a rally in Rapid City to oppose KXL.
Posted: October 25, 2011

Native Foster Care: Lost Children, Shattered Families

National Public Radio

These are all the different people who had their kids taken away from their entire families," explains Sheehan, who works for the Lakota People's Law Project. "Not one of them has had their children left with a relative of any kind."


AOC joins Lakota Law and tribes in opposing KXL

May 16, 2019, Washington, D.C. — LPLP and Oglala Sioux leaders meet with Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez about the power of protest and stopping KXL.

Thank you, Lakota People's Law Project, for assisting us in being a part of history, helping us get out the Native vote in 2020.

Janet Thomas, former executive director of the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe


of free technical assistance to Lakota families challenging ICWA violations


Chase protests to return the Black Hills

July 3, 2020: Chase Iron Eyes faces a line of National Guard members during a protest against Trump’s visit to Mount Rushmore in Keystone, South Dakota.